Maine was fun. I gave Judy her Christmas presents early (an iMac and iPod Nano) and transferred all her stuff over to the new machine on Wednesday night.
Then Thursday morning, I baked a pie (for the first time) totally from scratch.
It came out pretty good, the crust was nice and flaky and the pie was not too sweet without being tart.
Click here for more pie=making photos.
We had a nice Thanksgiving dinner at Mildred’s, with lots of yummy food.
Friday I went for a walk with Judy, then she patched my coat (I still need to sew the button back on, she didn’t have the right thread), and then we went through some boxes of old childhood records and drawings.
I drove home Friday night, and when I got home, lots of surprises were waiting for me:
1. They finished paving Clark street! It’s no longer an obstacle course.
2. My new Sony eBook Reader arrived! Yes, I am a gadget whore.
3. A document from the court came in the mail – my name change went through! I don’t even have to go in to court!
4. UPS didn’t deliver my projector, I have to go pick it up on Monday. This is because UPS sucks. FedEx is so much better.
that was a great pie, Tev. Very yummy! Quite impressive as pies are considered one of the more difficult things to make. I also enjoyed the visit a lot. And am in love with my new imac. Showed it off to Marcye.