The witching hour is upon us

It’s midnight, movie night is over (we watched Zodiac, a bit slow in parts but good), and everyone has toddled on home. Sarah’s already asleep like a good student should be…

So I’m all alone in the quiet of the house…

as Dave was leaving, I found my nail clippers, which I had been on the point of tearing my house apart for earlier. But I decided to let it go, to not panic. So when Dave was heading out, he asked, “where would your clippers be?” and I replied “right here,” reached down, and picked them up. I swear I looked there earlier, but such is the way of seeking and finding,

So I clipped my nails, there is no one else awake… so time to…

time to…

time to…

clean my tub!

Before (eww)

Nine minutes and one brillo pad later.

Now perhaps I will read for a little, and then retire for the evening.

One thought on “The witching hour is upon us”

  1. hehe, you are cute. i tend to get cleaning urges late at night as well. it’ll be like 1am and i’m scrubbing out the fridge like a madwoman…

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