So Apple released Safari for Windows.
I think you’ll join me here in a collective yawn. The only thing this does is perhaps legitimize time testing web apps in Safari, since it’s now cross-platform.
But why not try something really different?
Get Lynx.
Lynx is a text-only browser from the dawn of time (ok, it was 1992, but neolithic time in terms of browsers).
Text-only browsing provides a refreshing change of pace from the bling-bling world of Flash-animated, image-laden websites. Nice, clean ASCII text is your only visual in the world of Lynx.
You can also get an idea of how clean the underlying design of a webpage is by viewing it in a text-only browser.
And if someone looks over your shoulder, it will probably just look like you are typing away in a shell, or viewing “man” pages (unix manuals).
So give it a try. You might like it.
Lynx for OS X
Lynx for Windows
This blog entry posted using Lynx.
Why not elinks? It does frames and SSL when lynx does not.
Hmmm, I hadn’t heard of that one, I’ll have to check it out.