I brought my car in for service today…
60,000 mile service is $420. Plus I get synthetic oil, which costs like $50 more.
They just called me, saying the drive belt needs replacing, for $120, and there’s oil in some intake someplace, which needs to be taken apart and cleaned, for $192.
So I’m looking at around $800, of essentially voluntary work (nothing was actually *broken*).
Guess that’s the price for not taking the time to understand the mechanisms myself, to be able to do my own maintenance or at least dispute excessive charges.
— update —
Yep, bill came to $800. Of which, $650 was listed as “labor”…
Maybe next time I’ll compare prices with the place just down the way from Staples…
Holy cow, I should probably bring the Prius in for a checkup.
I mock you for your lack of auto-maintenance skills. but only a little, you kick my ass in computer-fu.